The Dutch manufacturer has added a 17m³ capacity model to the Triotrac M range. Joining the existing 14m³ single vertical auger machine, the newcomer is powered by the same rear-mounted four-cylinder 175hp JCB engine.

The new model shares the rest of its spec with its smaller sibling, including the hydraulically-powered reciprocating blade at the end of the loading arm. Reaching to a maximum height of 4.5m, clamp silage cut by the blade falls onto the intake platform, and is transferred to the mixing tub by a 2.30m diameter rotor with four curved fingers.

The same intake mechanism allows the Triotrac M to process round or square bales, minerals, fodder beet and potatoes. The 17m³ model offers the same tight turning circle and 4ws for good manoeuvering around low buildings and tight yards.

Cab height is adjustable, and all settings for loading, mixing and discharging tub contents are adjusted via the joystick. Both models can be fitted with a cross conveyor belt at the rear or discharge doors on both sides.

The Dutch price of the M1-1700 of approx. €183,000, is around €5,000 more expensive than the M1-1400.

Compact 14.0m³ Trioliet mixer wagon | profi