When John Deere launched its Gator HPX utility vehicle in 2006, its 20hp diesel power, trusted name and well-thought-through design saw it open a chink in the ag market. The HPX was, and continues to be, a tough little tool, but its amenity ancestry means it’s still compromised for those looking to make a switch from an ATV in the ag sector. Hence the arrival in 2008 of the Gator XUV — and it’s this range, in 850D and successor 855D forms, that we look at here
John Deere Gator XUV 850D and 855D UTVs
When John Deere launched its Gator HPX utility vehicle in 2006, its 20hp diesel power, trusted name and well-thought-through design saw it open a chink in the ag market. The HPX was, and continues to be, a tough little tool, but its amenity ancestry means it’s still compromised for those looking to make a switch […]
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