USED MACHINERY: Vervaet Hydro Trike self-propelled slurry applicator: Three (or four or five) wheels on your wagon? Self-propelled slurry applicators may still be a niche market in the UK, but thanks to their wider acceptance in the Netherlands, which pioneered development of this type of equipment, the pool of used examples is wider than you might think. Here we look at the Vervaet Hydro Trike, this three-wheeled model having evolved of the past 33 years to also include four- and five-wheel variants.

This is a bit of a departure from our more normal used machinery articles. If you ring up the importers of Vervaet equipment, J Riley Beet Harvesters, and ask to look at its stock of used Hydro Trikes you will be asked if your Passport is up to date. Well not literally, but the widest choice of used models will be located at the Vervaet factory at Biervliet in the Netherlands. Riley in the UK work directly with the factory to support those looking for a used buy and are best placed to offer advice on what could be on offer to meet your needs and budget. The Hydro Trike name attaches to a machine that first appeared in 1990. These and subsequent models share the same tricycle design template with all three wheels hydrostatically driven. Many early machines remain in active service but not necessarily in the form in which they would have originally left the factory. Modified, updated, or even completely rebuilt, a Hydro Trike made 20 plus years ago may now have a considerably enhanced specification. The early models still in use are unlikely to have their original cabs, a point to note as it is difficult to ‘age’ the machines on looks alone.

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