The launch of the Deutz-Fahr TTV stepless tractor has been quite a protracted affair. It made a fleeting appearance in 2000, returned as an updated version at the SIMA 2001 show, was launched in Europe later in 2001, before finally making its UK debut in 2002. Since the test featured here was completed, Deutz has released yet another update (see profi news section), so bear this in mind when reading
Tractor test: Deutz-Fahr Agrotron TTV 1160
The launch of the Deutz-Fahr TTV stepless tractor has been quite a protracted affair. It made a fleeting appearance in 2000, returned as an updated version at the SIMA 2001 show, was launched in Europe later in 2001, before finally making its UK debut in 2002. Since the test featured here was completed, Deutz has […]
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