REPORT: The last time we caught up with Hoof Trimming’s Steve Jones, he had just spent one million pounds on kit to kick-start a new contracting business. Ten years on, we caught up with the Cheshire contractor to see how his thriving business has continued to evolve.

Steve Jones is one to get things done. Having developed a successful hoof-care business that continues to design, build and supply heavy-duty cattle crushes, the spin-off agri-contracting business he started in 2012 has evolved from general contracting to one that has focussed on all aspects of forage and slurry management.

“There were many that doubted I’d still be here after 12 months, but hard work and determination, coupled with a desire to do the best job possible for my customers, is what has got the contracting business to where it is today,” explains Steve Jones, who runs the Hoof Trimming operation near Nantwich, Cheshire.

Such has been the success of his agricultural contracting business, that Steve no longer finds himself with the time to trim hooves. “In the last few years, I’ve had to spend more time steering the contracting in the direction it needed to go, rather than fit in some hoof trimming,” he adds.

Time flies

Much has changed since profi last visited in 2014 (see issue 6/2014), and what was once a fledgling venture, has since been shaped and honed into a largely forage and slurry-based operation, leaving behind much of its arable work.

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