As we discovered in our used machinery guide, the Pöttinger Europrofi has been a key member of the Austrian manufacturer’s product family for over 25 years. The latest version is the 5510D Combiline, which we put through its paces for a full season — to get a feel for how it performs and what it’s like to live with.
Pöttinger first introduced the Euro- profi forage wagon range in 1991, and today we are on to the fourth generation. This latest incarnation is more of a downsized Torro with a gear- box rather than chain-driven rotor, its low- ered chain/slat floor and dual-purpose body allowing it to be used as a forage trailer alongside a harvester when not doing its more traditional ‘pick up your own’ silaging. The mid-size models in the range are geared…………[To read more, see the instructions on this page]