DRIVING IMPRESSION: Evum Motors ACar: Electric pack mule. It did not take us long to spot the potential of the four wheel drive Evum Motors ACar utility truck. Although it will not rival the off-road abilities of a farm UTV, the all-electric ACar has a decent range and payload.

A TVs and UTVs are proof that most can find a use for a light utility vehicle to move people and materials around the farm. But what if your needs are for more limited off-road use with greater ability to travel on the road? Here a vehicle like the Evum Motors ACar could possibly fit the bill.

Background story

The maker of the ACar, Evum Motors GmbH, evolved from a research project carried out by the University of Munich to develop a rugged electric utility vehicle for developing markets. The resultant ACar was subsequently put into small scale vehicle production in 2020 in a factory based in Bayerbach, near Ergoldsbach in Lower Bavaria. The initial aim was to make this simple fully electric utility vehicle for emerging markets, with subsequent interest in markets closer to home.

Adaptable design

The ACar will not win any beauty contests, its stub nose and slab sides giving the cab a utilitarian look. The cab panels are made from a light plastic material that will not add much to its showroom appeal either. Take time to delve deeper, however, and it is clear that what has been saved on style has been spent on the bits that matter. This may be a simple vehicle but it has some clever design touches.

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