April 30, 2020
Drills / planters
Here you can find the archive of profi test reports on a wide range of drills and planters.
April 29, 2020
Fritzmeier Umwelttechnik Isaria Smart4Grass: Strategic grass seeding
April 29, 2020
Amazone Precea 4500-2CC Super precision seed drill: Need for speed
DRIVING IMPRESSION: Amazone’s solution to faster drilling speed for maize is the new Precea. We caught up with one of the pre-production units last spring to see how it works
April 22, 2020
Seed drills: Sowing new ideas
April 22, 2020
Horsch Maestro RX precision drill: New Maestro shoots seeds
April 21, 2020
Profi: Sulky Progress P50: True progress
April 21, 2020
Eight cultivator drills — Part two: As you sow, so you shall reap
April 5, 2020
Junkkari W700 drill: Genius giant
April 5, 2020
Amazone Centaya 3000 Super power harrow drill: Near perfect planting
PRACTICAL TEST: While there is lots of talk of low-disturbance drilling, the long-serving power harrow drill is still the tool of choice for getting many arable crops in the ground. Focus for our practical test…
April 5, 2020
Lemken Azurit 9/8.75 KD precision drill: No more delta blues
March 21, 2020
Eight cultivator drills – Part one