Dale Drills’ latest incarnation of the Eco-Drill now boasts a level of refinement and sophistication that could put the big players to shame. A cleverly plumbed hydraulic system is joined by intelligent electronics and carefully-designed ‘go-anywhere’ coulter assemblies. A well thought-out LED lighting system and sleek, curved hopper round the whole thing off. Nick Fone caught up with a prototype 9m version on testing at the Dale family farm in Lincolnshire
While Dale Drills have been around in various guises for over 15 years, they’ve always had something of the farm-built feel. And there’s a reason for that. Virtually every component is designed, fabricated and bolted together at the Dale family’s farm in north Lincolnshire.
While the quaint image of blacksmiths slaving away over a forge and anvil might be endearing, it couldn’t be further from the truth for the small company’s current production line. The business may only turn out 10 drills each year, but parts are drawn up using a computerised design suite, then laser cut and assembled with machine precision