TRACTOR TEST: The Magnum 380 CVX is one of the heavy hitters in its league. It delivers an impressive 279kW/379hp at rated speed (ECE R120), before whacking out a mighty 320kW/435hp max as its motor is pulled back down the rev band.

The name may be just the same, yet Magnum hardware has certainly evolved over the years. While there is still a powershift option for the 250 to 340 models, the big lady from Racine, the 380, only comes with a stepless CVX box. Indeed the stepless 380 outsells all of the other Magnum CVX models by 28% in the UK and Ireland.

Claiming a max engine output of 324kW/ 435hp, it’s now time to see what the 380 actually delivered on the DLG dyno. So … to the results. The FPT motor pushed out a maximum output of 286kW/389hp at the shaft, which is not too shabby. However, we only measured 8.2kW/11.0hp more when the boost kicked in, rather than the promised 12.7kW/17.0hp. On rated speed stats there was a much bigger difference between unboosted (244.8kW/328.3hp) and boosted output (265.9kW/356.6hp) — far more like it.