Valtra is doing its bit to reduce the carbon footprint and claims to be the world’s first tractor maker to use Neste MY renewable diesel as the start-up fuel for all new tractors at the Finnish tractor plant at Suolahti.

Also used in all the forklift trucks that operate in the factory, all told around 700,000 litres of standard diesel has been replaced with the environmentally-friendly fuel, which is classified as hydrotreated vegetable oil, and says Valtra, should not be confused with traditional biodiesel.

Produced from 100% renewable waste and residues, Neste MY produces up to 90% fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil-based diesel. Valtra reckons its use at the Suolahti tractor plant corresponds to around 46,000 non-emission tractor hours a year. “We are quite a big consumer of diesel, so this is a really significant move,” said Valtra marketing director Mikko Lehikoinen.

Apparently, the fuel’s cold-start properties are sufficient for even Arctic conditions, as it can withstand temperatures down to -34C. It can be used without any additives and without having to make any changes to the engine.