Registrations of agricultural tractors (50hp+) reached 10,602 units in the UK last year, reports the AEA. A decrease of 2.2% on 2015 levels of 10,842, and the lowest annual unit total for more than a decade, most power bands saw decreases in the number of units registered; 121-140hp down 11% and 141-160hp down 19%. The major exception were tractors from 161-200hp (+36%); and a power band that accounted for 17% of the total UK tractor market (12% in 2015). There was also a marginal 1% increase in the 241hp+ sector, and one in every five of all new farm tractors registered in 2016 was in excess of 200hp. The total tractor power sold in the UK last year (1.68 million HP) represents a decrease of 1.4% against 2015. Average tractor horsepower increased by 0.8% to 158.3hp.