Thierart’s bolt-on combine harvester chaff collection systems continue to enjoy a great deal of interest. The latest version differs in that it is towed behind the combine.
The French-firm’s chaff collection systems are not only allowing farmers to use it for livestock bedding or poultry litter, but also to sell it to biogas plants and at the same time reduce the incidence of weeds and volunteers.
The bolt-on models, the capacities of which are generally from 15.0m³ to 20.0m³, were featured in the our 2019 Harvest Special issue. We also took a brief look at work with the trailed prototype, which was towed behind a Case IH 8120.

This latest solution is designed for farmers keen to collect chaff, but then without adding any additional weight to the rear of the combine like to current bolt-on systems. The field tests were promising and following a few modifications last winter the first couple of pre-production units, which are called the Turbine V3, are now in the field.

Fitting to the rear of a wide range of combines, straw can be chopped or laid down in a swath. The difference is that chaff and weed seeds are all blown through two discharge pipes to the 30.0m³ capacity trailer.
The hydraulic connection needed to power the 2.0m-wide unloading conveyor is plumed into the combine, and the trailer body rotates though 90 degrees to the rear for transport. It is envisaged that it will remain on the combine, the header travelling behind a tractor.

The maximum header width 10.5m and one of the first pre-production systems works behind a New Holland CR9.80. As a rough guide, the V3 turbine costs around €23,000. The trailer, which unloads on the move, adds another €41,000.
The company has just put the finishing touches to a simpler chaff trailer, where material is simply tipped in heaps on the headland. This costs around €25,000.

Thierart is keen to find a dealer to sell its chaff collection systems in the UK.