Up to four spray lines capable of operating individually, or in combination with others selected from the terminal, allow for multiple nozzle selection and rates from the cab with the new Altek GPS controlled Smart-c-Spray 124 application system.
Developed in conjunction with Danish sprayer controller manufacturer Lykketronic and allowing the use of all the latest air-inclusion low drift nozzles, other features include auto addressing (Can nodes mounted directly to the spray line) and individual nozzle control for all nozzles and lines. These can also be grouped to allow for manual section control.
Auto Nozzle Select (ANS) allows the spray lines to change nozzle size/combinations automatically to compensate for speed increase/application increase.

Other features for both twin and quad systems include variable rate application (in conjunction with SHP maps imported to sprayer terminal) and nozzle-spy flow monitoring of each nozzle position provides real-time feed back to the sprayer terminal.
Turn compensation provides variable rate along the spray line depending on speed and direction of each nozzle position.
Suitable for retrofitting to most makes of sprayer, the new system is compatible with Lykketronic’s spray rate controller.