It was anticipated New Holland would bring the autonomous T8 tractor unveiled at the Farm Progress show last autumn to SIMA. In the event, the T8 remains on the other side of the Atlantic, and on display in Paris this week is an autonomous version of a Basildon-built T7.315. Highlighting the fact that the NHDrive concept can be used across the firm’s tractor ranges, there are numerous pieces to the autonomous puzzle. The sculptured block at the front of the T7 houses all the sensors and there are four roof-mounted cameras. However, one of the biggest pieces in the jigsaw is IntelliTurn, which allows the tractor to turn automatically at the headland. One burning question is when the company’s first autonomous tractor could hit the market? Not yet, is the message, and lots more work is required, not just to perfect the technology, but also to see how farms get on operating tractors via some form of mobile device. New Holland sees possibilities with the concept across its tractor ranges, and there is a hint that one of what we believe could be half-a dozen autonomous prototypes planned for this year could include a T4 for work in a fruit orchard. The current emphasis is with tractors, but longer term New Holland is keen to develop the autonomous concept for other vehicles, one of which could include a combine harvester.