The German manufacturer has expanded its potato equipment portfolio with its first four-row haulm topper.

Aimed at growers keen to adopt a mechanical approach to haulm control, the company says the 92 flails on the main shaft of the KS 475 can be moved to allow it to work on ridges spaced at 75cm or 80cm.

Height adjustment is controlled via the linkage arms and spindles on the support wheels, and chopped haulm is deposited between the ridges. The suction effect of the flails is said to be powerful enough to tackle haulm lying on the ground.

Suitable for front or rear linkage mounting, tractor power requirement is a claimed 68hp (50kW) and the topper can be used at PTO speeds of 540, 750 or 1000rpm. The options list includes an end-tow drawbar for the 3.5m-wide machine and road lights.

It is not yet known whether the KS 475 will come to the UK for next season, and the company says it is too early to talk about wider working widths.