The Cross Flow conveyor auger is now available as a 3.0 Novacat 302 model that can be used behind tractors from around 100hp.

Already available on the Novacat A10 mower combination and Novacat 352 (3.5m) rear mower, the Cross Flow turns the crop as it flows through the mower to accelerate the drying process. Claimed benefits include cutting and merging grass without a conditioner and subsequent swathing is no longer necessary.

Updates to all Cross Flow models for the coming season include a hydraulic rear flap opening. Operated from the tractor cab via a small control terminal, opening the rear flap results in a more intensive drying effect.

With the rear flap closed, the auger can transport the crop to the inside when mowing headlands. This ensures that the forage remains inside the field boundary when tedding.