A software update for Valtra tractors allows them to turn automatically on headlands. Called SmartTurn, when combined with Auto U-Pilot headland management and Valtra Guide automated steering, this final piece of the puzzle is said to allow all field operations to be carried out without the driver touching the steering wheel.

This not only improves precision, saves time and fuel and prevents soil compaction, says Valtra, but also enables the driver to focus on the quality of work and improves safely and accuracy in dark, foggy and dusty conditions.

Unless they are already programmed into Valtra Guide, working with SmartTurn begins by defining the field boundary and headland. The required turning radius is then calibrated according to the implement width and by turning the tractor sharply to the right and left.

The final step is to select between two automatic turning modes: U-turn and part-field. With U-turn, the tractor makes a small U-shaped turn on the headland into the adjacent undriven way line. A smaller headland is required in the part-field mode when the tractor turns into the third, fourth or further way line.

Available now for fifth generation N and T Series tractors, the software update will be available for fourth generation models and for other fifth generation models later this year. No mechanical modifications are needed to tractors equipped with Valtra Guide.