Ropa reckons to have delivered over 520 of its hydraulically-driven two-row Keiler II trailed potato harvesters since the launch in 2014 and is looking to a package of new options to help grow the numbers.

These include a load-dependent pintle automatic function for blockage-free harvesting on all models. The German manufacturer says the automatic combination of travel speed-controlled sieve conveyor and load-dependent pintle function is unique.

A weighing system, another new option for Keiler II and 2014-launched Keiler II Classic, comprises six load sensing bolts on the bunker suspension. Fully integrated into the electronics, weighing is carried out automatically when the bunker is raised.

Ropa says the system provides in the field yield information and allows transport vehicles to be loaded correctly. All Keiler models already come with an ISObus control unit as standard, and the new weighing system can be operated using the optionally available 1200 ISObus terminal.

The Keiler II Classic now comes with the XL bunker as standard. This provides an extra 800kg capacity to the previous 7.5t version.