The rumours of a takeover of the financially troubled specialist Italian tractor maker circulated at Agritechnica, but it has taken until now for the official news to break that the Lovol Arbos Group is the new owner of Goldoni. 100% owned by Chinese giant Foton Heavy Industries, the new owner plans to re-start Goldoni tractor production by the middle of this month. More importantly, the acquisition provides Lovol Arbos with a European manufacturing base at Migliarina di Carpi (Modena) to make the three ranges of tractors (100-250hp) it previewed at the Hanover Fairgrounds last November. The Chinese parent company says it will invest heavily in the plant during the next three years, and plans to come with a complete new line-up of Goldoni tractors. The Goldoni acquisition is another important step in Lovol’s global strategy plans, which kicked off in Italy in 2011. During the past five years Lovol Arbos has established at R+D centre in Italy, and at the end of 2014 bought Italian precision drill maker MaterMacc.