French mechanical hoe manufacturer Carré has added the Pressius range of linkage-mounted precision comb harrows to the portfolio. Available next season from UK importer KRM, working widths are from 3.0-15.0m.

Suitable for use both pre- and post-emergence in a wide range of crops at different growth stages, the adaptive chassis and patented tine module with adjustable pressure allows all models to work in a wide range of crops, including beds and on top of potato ridges.

Operating at speeds from 12-15km/hr, contour following is taken care of by six front control wheels and two rear pivoting wheels. Spaced at 25cm intervals, the six rows of offset 8.0mm tines are said to take out the maximum number of weeds without blocking.

Tine pressure is adjusted hydraulically from 100g to 50.0kg from the cab and the tine angle is designed to help expose of weed roots and break up and surface crusts.

The Pressius joins the Carré Econet inter row cultivators and Sarclerse (3.0m-24.0m) tined weeders available from KRM.