The new styling is not the only update on Pöttinger’s rear mounted Novadisc 222, 262, 302 and 352 side pivot mowers, which now offer more versatility both on the road and in the field.

Main updates include folding the mower through 102 degrees for transport. This improves the centre of gravity and Pöttinger reckons that the compact result also provides tractor drivers with good visibility in both rear-view mirrors. In the field, the the wide degree arc of movement (+22/-30 degrees) makes them well suited to working on steep inclines and rough ground.

There are no changes to the lifting system, which lowers the mower so that the outer end of the cutterbar contacts the ground first. At the headland, the inside end is lifted first.

The standard mechanical safety device provides for a swing-out angle of approx. 12 degrees to protect the mower should it strike an obstacle. Once it has been triggered, the cutterbar is engaged again simply by reversing the mower a short distance.

The options list includes a hydraulic folding side guard for a low transport height and a parking stand that allows the mower to be stowed vertically.

With working widths ranging from 2.2m to 3.46m, power requirement of the new rear mounted Novadisc mowers starts from around 40hp.