The Magnum Rowtrac could be the first part of a Case IH plan to come with more rubber-track solutions. Speaking at an international press conference at SIMA 2015 in Paris this week, tractor product marketing manager Dan Stuart says first they are keen to see how the current Magnum Rowtrac tractors are received. “Providing there is sufficient interest then we may consider coming with something similar on smaller tractors in the future,” he says. “It is a case of watch this space.” There is nothing official, but the Puma must surely be the most likely candidate for a rubber-track option. Either that or the company is considering a Rowtrac version of the new range of tractors heading for Agritechnica later this year. For now though, Mr Stuart expects the first Magnum Rowtrac tractors to be delivered to European customers at the end of this year.
More rubber track options from Case IH?
The Magnum Rowtrac could be the first part of a Case IH plan to come with more rubber-track solutions. Speaking at an international press conference at SIMA 2015 in Paris this week, tractor product marketing manager Dan Stuart says first they are keen to see how the current Magnum Rowtrac tractors are received. “Providing there is […]