Dewulf’s four-row Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme has so far been fitted with a straight hedgehog unit followed by a single Flexyclean cleaning unit. Increased demand for alternate cleaning solutions has prompted the Belgian manufacturer to develop two new options for the coming season to replace the straight hedgehog unit.

Badged as Kwatro Xtreme Flow, the first new cleaning option is the redesigned double Easyclean module, which comprises seven active smooth cleaning rollers alternated with nine Easyclean rollers.

The newly-developed mechanical regulation system allows the operator to control the speed, height, opening and direction of rotation of both groups of drive rollers separately from the cab. The degree of cleaning is set by adjusting the inclination of the module up to 12 degrees. Dewulf says that this solution is ideal for dry soils with clods.

Suitable for machines working in relatively wet conditions, the second new cleaning option combines the axial module (36 rollers) and Easyclean unit (two active smooth cleaning rollers alternated with three Easyclean rollers). Roller speed is adjustable, as is the inclination of the Easyclean unit. All adjustments are made from the cab.

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