Since its introduction 23 years ago Vervaet reckons to have sold 500 Beet Eater 617 self-propelled six-row sugar beet harvesters. In need of a Stage IV-compliant engine, the company decided it was time to give the machine a major makeover. The resulting Q Series is a modular and lightweight concept, and according to its maker, differs on virtually all points to the predecessor. The two models – Q-616 (16-tonne bunker) and Q-621 (21-tonne bunker) – are offered in a total of 288 different configurations. For example, it is possible to fit both with three different defoliators, two different lifting shares, four different cleaning modules and numerous tyre sizes. The 617 was powered by a 465hp DAF engine, and the Stage IV engine in the Q-616 also peaks at the same output. Running at a low-revving 1100rpm, Vervaet hopes to further reduce the fuel consumption, which in the 617 was around 30lit/hr. The standard block in the Q-621 kicks out a maximum power of 513hp. Other Q features include a tight turning circle, an oscillating front axle (tyres can be quickly swapped for rubber tracks), a self-levelling rear axle and the possibility to run the rear tyres at different track widths. The bunker on the Q-616 has a one-tonne lower capacity than the 617. Aimed at customers keen to reduce in-field weight, with a full bunker the 616 weighs 40 tonnes – slightly lower than the 617. However, the weight distribution is improved with 2.3 tonnes less on the front axle, and the company says the one-wheel per track concept and wider tyre options will help to reduce the ground pressure. The 26-tonne empty weight of the Q-621 increases to 47 tonnes with a full bunker. Fitted with four-wheel braking, the top speed of the Q is 40km/hr.