Robert Crawford is no stranger to the crawler tractor business. Having seen a resurgence in demand for refurbished Track Marshall tractors the firm spotted an opportunity when it spotted the Scaip Warrior at EIMA last year.The pictured 350hp Scaip Warrior STX 350 has a price tag of £195,000 and uses a hydrostatic transmission which tops out at 12.0km/hr.So why are farmers looking at steel tracks? Well Tony Dimmock from Crawfords points out that steel track machines can work in conditions which see their rubber banded counterparts simply sit on a wet surface and spin. With an increased area of maize being grown in the Eastern counties for AD plants farmers are struggling to get on land after the crop has been harvested and they believe the Scaip is the solution.For moving on the road there could be two options. Shift the tractor on a low loader or there may be the possibility of fitting a rubber band around the steel tracks.
LAMMA 2015: Warrior in Lincolnshire
Robert Crawford is no stranger to the crawler tractor business. Having seen a resurgence in demand for refurbished Track Marshall tractors the firm spotted an opportunity when it spotted the Scaip Warrior at EIMA last year.The pictured 350hp Scaip Warrior STX 350 has a price tag of £195,000 and uses a hydrostatic transmission which tops […]