Scarecrow Bio-Acoustic Systems says the latest version of the Bird Instinctive Reactive Dispersal (BIRD) system offers more refinement, increased dependability and further options. Distributed by Martin Lishman, the new version comes with two additional operating modes (Re-Enforce and Severe) to ensure the removal of all birds. All modes can be set to randomise 24/7 or utilise the built-in or remote light sensitivity sensor for ‘Dusk to Dawn’ operation, and the control panel can be electronically locked. The main console is now a self-contained unit to which components such as the loudspeakers, light sensitivity sensor and power supply from either a leisure battery, mains or solar panel are connected. The manufacturer says this separate component layout is beneficial in helping meet different location and mounting options, with the added ability to extend the system by adding up to 30 loudspeakers. All components and electrical connections are fully IP rated to ensure they withstand the harshest of weather conditions. The BIRD system broadcasts digitally cleansed natural bird distress calls, and 10 of the most commonly used distress calls from the Scarecrow library have been pre-loaded. Calls recorded from pest species such as pigeons, crows and rooks are on hand and ready when needed; additional pest species include starlings and two goose calls.
Increased flexibility for Scarecrow BIRD

Scarecrow Bio-Acoustic Systems says the latest version of the Bird Instinctive Reactive Dispersal (BIRD) system offers more refinement, increased dependability and further options. Distributed by Martin Lishman, the new version comes with two additional operating modes (Re-Enforce and Severe) to ensure the removal of all birds. All modes can be set to randomise 24/7 or utilise […]