The coronavirus outbreak has forced the organising team of Grassland & Muck 2020 to cancel the event.

Due to have been held on May 21 and 22, Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) trustees have adhered to government advice that gatherings should not take place.

A message on the RASE’s Facebook page reads ‘While we are sorry to have to make this announcement to cancel, it is the right decision to protect the health of the industry and indeed the wider population in these unprecedented circumstances. We will be in touch in due course to confirm future plans for the event.’

The burning question now is whether the Cereals Event faces a similar fate? Latest information on the Cereals Event website confirms that as it stands, the plan is to go ahead with the show on June 10 and 11, 2020.

The Cereals team and event organiser Comexposium continue to monitor the situation and will be taking into consideration the warning issues from the UK government and public health authorities. The appropriate call of action will be based on their recommendations and announcement.