European farmers bought three times more Russian-made agricultural machinery during the first eight months of this year than they did for the same period in 2014. Data from Rosagromash, the Russian association of agricultural machinery manufacturers, reveals a total spend for the period of US$9 million. The most popular machines are forage and combine harvesters, high-HP tractors, drills, cultivators, grain cleaning and storage equipment. Russian-made agricultural machinery is sold worldwide in countries including Germany, France, Bulgaria, UK, Poland, Turkey, Canada and the US. Foreign successes were enjoyed on the joint Russian farm machinery manufacturers stand at Agritechnica recently, where three German farmers received the keys to new Rostelmash-made Torum combine harvesters. Rostelmash also signed up new dealers in Serbia (AgroTECH PMD) and Germany (Egenolf GmbH. There was also a double success for St. Petersburg Tractor Plant at Agritechnica, which sold a Terrion tractor to a German customer and signed up new Toko Agri as a Czech dealer. Rosagromash president Konstantin Babkin says the export growth is due to the competitiveness of Russian-made agricultural equipment. “Russian manufactures produce modern and quality-built equipment with technical and economic features comparable to that of western-built kit, but then 50-60% cheaper.”