The current Low Disturbance Loosener (LDL) models from 3.0m-6.0m will do the job, but requests for a dedicated grassland machine have prompted Grange Machinery to develop the Grass Land Loosener (GLL).
Designed to alleviate compaction in the soil and remove the plough pan to improve drainage and allow air into the soil, the fully mounted GLL shares its cutting disc, leg, point and packer roller with the LDL.
The main differences concern the packer depth adjustment and hydraulic rotation system used to engage the hydraulically operated discs. Also, the GLL’s frame is a bit lighter.
The discs cut through the surface to enhance the loosening effect of the low disturbance legs and reduce soil build up. Working to a maximum depth of 300mm, the points are claimed to provide a full width lift with minimal surface disturbance. Adjusted using a pin system, the rear packer is detached by removing two bolts.

Built at the company’s premises on the outskirts of Hull, the GLL is available with shear bolt and hydraulic leg reset versions and a range of different packers.
It has not yet been put on the weighbridge, but the first GLL, a 3.0m version, is expected to tip the scales at 1.3-1.4t; lighter than the 1.9t of the 3.0m LDL. The GLL is also available in folding 4.0m, 5.0m and 6.0m models.
“The GLL is a refined version of the LDL,” says Grange machinery owner Rhun Jones. “The LDL has no trouble at all on grassland, but the basic machine is really a bit too heavy and over-engineered. In developing the GLL we have refined the machine specifically for working on grassland.”
A 130hp-150hp+ tractor is recommended to pull the 3.0m GLL at adequate depth and forward speed to avoid damaging the grass surface. £POA.