By using a bead core made of a single piece of steel wrapped around the circumference of the tyre up to one hundred times, Continental reckons to have created a combine tyre that holds its shape, even when run at very low pressures.

Other claimed benefits of the CombineMaster include safer road travel and reduced field compaction. Also, tyres with a single wire bead are safer and quicker to fit, says Continental agricultural tyre specialist, Richard Hutchins.

“Most importantly the tyre will grip the rim even at very low pressures,” he says. “This reduces the risk of the tyre slipping off the rim whilst helping to spread the huge weight of a combine.”

The hexagonal section of the bead is claimed to be stronger and smoother than the common rectangular design which also makes it better on the road. “This is especially important for the front tyres which take more weight and torque.”

Safer and more comfortable road travel is due to the N.Flex (heat-treated nylon) carcass material coupled with the Hexa bead.

“Combine tyres reach high temperatures during road use. When parked overnight the tyres cool to the shape of the parked position creating so called flat spots. When the combine is used again the operator will experience ride disturbance because the tyres are not a perfect circle. N.Flex reduces the occurrence of flat spots and provides a more comfortable ride.”