Tractor drivers often spend 10 or more hours a time in the cab. Modern technology provides plenty of creature comforts, but all this sitting can lead to an increased risk of health problems. Reason enough for John Deere to develop a concept that allows drivers to exercise their legs without leaving the seat.

Known as the Cab Bicycle, and developed in the Netherlands, modified cycling systems already exist that allow office staff to exercise while sitting at a desk. What John Deere has done is inserted rotating bicycle pedals each side of the base of the steering column.

According to a report on, drivers can select from one of five pre-programmed exercise modes. A Bluetooth function allows the results to be stored. There is more because a Cab Bicycle Challenge App will soon be available, allowing drivers to share information on the distance completed in a day, week or month. The App will also allow drivers to compete in a ‘race’ to see who can travel the furthest in a pre-agreed time.

The cab cycle not only has beneficial health effects but also helps to reduce the fuel bill. Apparently, the energy generated when cycling just 30 minutes results in a claimed diesel saving of 0.4 litres. We can only assume the principle is like that on a conventional cycle, where the wheel powers a dynamo for the lights. Perhaps John Deere has found a way to harness pedal power and use it as a power boost?

According to Melkveebedrif, the first demonstration model will be delivered to a Dutch dairy farmer soon after Easter, and commercial versions of the dealer installed option should be ready in June. Currently only available on John Deere tractors (model numbers to be announced), we understand the technique could also be made available for other brands in the future. Prices have yet to be released.
