Kongskilde has confirmed that in future it will be focusing more heavily on red Kongskilde ploughs — formerly the Agrolux line — in the UK and Ireland, although it will continue to offer and support the familiar Overum blue brand through existing established Overum dealers. Is this product duplication? Not entirely, insists Kongskilde’s Martin Holden, who says there are subtle design differences between the two lines. “There are some technical differences in the headstock and main beam link. On top of that, for auto-reset ploughs the Overum range has one compensator for all plough bodies — one pressure for all bodies — whereas on the Kongskilde auto-reset plough there is a compensator for each body.” Not surprisingly, however, there are also many similarities. And proving the point both blue and red ploughs will come with the option of a new XLD body later next year. This updated design is reckoned to better accommodate wider tyres (up to 710mm), with a furrow width of up to 55cm; max depth is down to 35cm.  Another new shared feature for red and blue ploughs is the option of beam-mounted LED lights. These are said to do a better job of illuminating ploughed ground at night, as they don’t suffer from the same reflection-off-the-boards issue of tractor-mounted ploughing lights.