Following 25 uninterrupted years of manufacture, the 100,000th Fendt 700 Vario was recently driven off the production line in Marktoberdorf.
The story started on 30 August 1998 when Fendt presented the Favorit 700 Vario series to journalists for the first time at a German castle. Two days later, crowds of visitors surrounded the machines at the grand Fendt Saaten-Union field day in Wadenbrunn.

The public launch of the Favorit 700 Vario was the Fendt Field Day in Wadenbrunn in August 1998.
The Favorit 700 was the second Fendt series ever to use the Vario transmission and more than 10,000 of this first generation were manufactured. The Favorit name was dropped in 2003, and a new Tractor Management System (TMS), which controlled the engine and transmission, was introduced on the second generation.
The third generation brought track guidance and a fully automatic guidance system which made precision field work the norm. Generation four had a new look featuring the curved VisioPlus cab and a multifunctional armrest, and the sixth generation was the first with the FendtONE operating system.

The 100,000th anniversary model, a Gen7 728 Vario, currently resides at the Fendt Forum visitor centre in Marktoberdorf. The milestone tractor will then go on tour to trade fairs in France, Italy and other countries.
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