In the May issue of profi international we speak to one user and find out what he thinks of his John Deere 6250R after 3,500 hours in the seat. We have Part Two of the eight drill mega test and discover how good they are at establishing oilseed rape and winter wheat. Other practical tests include the Claas Cargos 8300 forage wagon and Dalbo Maxiroll 630 which after a quick tool change can swap from chopping cover crops to pasture rejuvenation.
profi issue 05/2020
In the May issue of profi international we speak to one user and find out what he thinks of his John Deere 6250R after 3,500 hours in the seat. We have Part Two of the eight drill mega test and discover how good they are at establishing oilseed rape and winter wheat. Other practical tests […]