Tractor test
Headland management systems compared
Headland management systems can be a key selling point for modern tractors. But, in reality, of what value is the technology? ‘Not much’, if these systems are so complicated to fathom that many operators don’t actually use them. We compare six current headland management set-ups with sometimes sobering results.
Tractor test
Long-term test on Valtra’s T4
The T4 looks good on paper, but what’s it like to live with? We catch up with a 4,400-hour T174 to see how reliable it has been.
Used machinery
Kuhn GF 8702 and 10802 tedders
Want a big tedder, but don’t have a big budget for a new machine? Then the 8.7m and 10.8m Kuhn GF 8702 and 10802 used tedders are worth a look. We highlight what’s changed over the years and where you should focus your attention.
Whatever happened to …
McCormick ZTX tractor
Hang on a minute. If this article is about the McCormick ZTX, why are we picturing a Landini? To find out the answer to that question and others, see page 76.
Driving impressions
Deutz-Fahr 9340 TTV
Thanks to the engineering team at Paul Nutzfahrzeuge, there’s a new contender in the reverse-drive ring in the form of the spinning-cab Deutz-Fahr 9340 TTV.
Polaris Ranger UTV
As well as fresh, snazzy styling the Ranger XP 1000 has more power than previous Polaris UTVs. But is it too flash and too pricey for farm use?
New Holland T7.270 AC
New Holland has introduced several changes to the T7 to comply with the new Mother Regulations. An updated front suspension, a … The list goes on.
Tanco S300 wrapper
More arms, more wrap. The trio of film dispensers on the Tanco S300 should speed up wrapping times. So how rapid is it? And how do all the new twirly bits mesh?