DRIVING IMPRESSION: The Zusa in-row hoe is no fancy tech-laden machine; its mechanical weeding components are operated by humans who guide these elements around the plants.

Mechanical weeding is becoming a necessity for vegetable growers as the list of allowable chemistry becomes ever shorter. Sometimes, manual weeding within the planted crop rows is required, but then not all growers can afford camera-guided systems where the weed destroying rotors are automatically controlled with a nifty AI image-comparing system so the crop isn’t harmed.

Manual tool control

One cost-effective alternative is the Zusa rotary hoe from Polish manufacturer Jagoda. The standard version of the three-row Zusa 3 is no more than €12,800. With an unladen weight of around 800kg, the fully mounted machine is light enough to be hitched to an older tractor, although you do have to bear in mind the weight of the three people who need to manoeuvre the weeding units. The Zusa 3 has six cultivating rotors, two per row. Each operator looks after two rotors, using the levers to swing them into the row at right angles to the direction of travel, then guide them out of the row and around the crop. Each rotor has three pairs of 8mm steel tines. To prevent them working too deep, each rotor has a half-dome shaped dish that runs on the ground. Two guide wheels on the frame also do their part in controlling the height of the hoes.

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