German engine maker Deutz is investing €26 million in a new 13,500sq.m. production hall to make crankshafts and camshafts. Located at Deutz HQ in Cologne-Porz , approximately €15 million of this investment will be spent on the building, including fitting it out with state-of-the-art energy technology, and around €11 million will go on new machinery and equipment. The existing shaft production site in Cologne-Deutz will be vacated in stages, with approximately 130 items of machinery and equipment being moved to Porz between the first quarter and the end of 2016.  “Our decision to build the new shaft centre represents an investment in our future because we are safeguarding our ability to innovate and compete,” says chairman Dr Helmut Leube of the board of management at Deutz. “The shaft centre will turn Cologne-Porz into an integrated site for large-scale production series.”  The construction work is expected to take nine months, and the new facility will provide 140 permanent jobs.