Soils are lost at a rapid pace all over the world, but organic agriculture is offering solutions. This message from the Save Our Soils campaign has reached almost 12 million people through social media during the last two weeks. The ‘Celebrating Soil – Celebrating Life’ congress staged recently in Amsterdam (NL) reached nearly 2 million Twitter accounts. Another 10 million users were reached on Facebook (30.000 likes and 8000 shares) through posts by Greenpeace International and the American Organic Consumers Association. Started at the end of 2012, Save Our Soils campaign CEO and initiator Volkert Engelsman of Nature & More/Eosta says the continuous efforts of the past three years are starting to pay dividends. “Thanks to the support of people like Julia Roberts and Desmond Tutu,” he says, “and thanks to our 200 campaign partners who are helping to spread the message.” Mr Engelsman says they will continue to spread the message during the second half of this year, with the focus on retail customers in supermarkets throughout Europe. “If the consumer, that sleeping giant, wakes up, things will start to change.”