Professional growers continue to seek faster ways to establish cover crops after harvest while there is still a bit of moisture in the ground. Opico’s latest solution sees the He-Va Disc Roller combined with the Variocast 16 small seed broadcaster to provide users with single-pass system. With a 400-litre hopper, the Variocast 16 small-seed metering unit is fitted with a hydraulic fan which can be adjusted to work at widths of up to 12.5m with a strong airflow for heavy seeds, such as peas, barley, oats and mixes, and application rates of up to 80kg/ha are possible. Available in working widths from 3m to 8m and in trailed and mounted formats, the 6.3m Disc Roller and Variocast 16 combination Opico is bringing to LAMMA next month costs £47,401. The Variocast 16 can also be retro-fitted to existing Disc Rollers. Prices (includes mounting kit) range from £10,000-£11,000).