The Juno Max is claimed as the first truly autonomous feed pusher for farms with at least 800-1,000 cows.

Lely reckons that the two top priorities for these farms are feeding herds more efficiently using less labour. The Juno Max is designed to meet both requirements. Set to join the existing Juno, the Max is designed to push feed quickly in multiple barns and feeding alleys and the three powered wheels allow it to negotiate uneven yards and tackle slopes of up to 20%.

The vehicle uses a lidar laser scanner, odometry and a virtual map of the farm to navigate and plan a route. The built-in multifunctional stereo-camera and laser scanner not only measure volume at the feed fence but can also detect obstacles. The robot comes with a digital management system and app. The latter provides the user with a quick way to determine its location, give the robot a new assignment or temporarily pause the feeding schedule.

Remote assistance is available with 24/7 online support. It is not yet known when the Juno Max will go on sale.

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