Pöttinger has launched the Plano VT 6060. The compact 6.0m trailed stubble cultivator is suitable for a variety of conditions.

The 37 rigid tines on the two frame sections are arranged symmetrically to prevent side pull. Spacing across the six rows of tines is 16.2cm. This results in good soil mixing and levelling, says the company, and 60cm of underframe clearance allows it to work on trashy stubbles.

Tine spring pressure is up to 200kg, and the tines can be equipped with 200mm-wide Durastar Plus duck foot shares or 50mm-wide Durastar chisel points. The duck foot shares are said to be ideal for shallow, all-over movement and slicing. The chisel points are particularly suitable for deeper tillage and intensive mixing, although they can also be used for shallow working.

Depth (max. 15cm) is controlled by an adjusting rod which transfers movement from the single or dual hydraulic jockey wheels at the front to the rear roller to ensure that that implement is always parallel to the ground.

A knife roller is optional, and the drawbar can be equipped with Traction Control. This allows up to 1.1t to be transferred to the tractor’s rear axle. Other options include the Tegosem hopper.

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