Köckerling will expand its Allrounder Flatline and Eco Allrounder cultivator ranges at Agritechnica. There is also a new narrow point on the Ultima CS no-till drill.
The 500 (5.0m) is the latest model to join the Allrounder Flatline shallow cultivator range. Added to the existing 600, 750 and 900, with the 220mm wide goosefoot points there is plenty of overlap even at very shallow depths; the maximum is 13cm.
The long frame design is said to aid trash flow, hence the Flatline is only available in its trailed format. Options include a knife roller for the front, seeder for cover crop establishment and a double rear harrow.
The Eco Allrounder is now joined by a 7.0m version. This cultivator can be used for taking out chitted volunteers as an alternative to spraying. This mounted machine has three rows of tines and needs 250hp plus. Three front and four rear gauge wheels control the depth. A following three rows of tines can be added to help shake the soil from the uprooted plants so they wilt on the surface.
On the firm’s long serving no-till drill, the Ultima CS, there is now a new narrow point design. The 15mm wide TC coulter can be used in place of the 60mm point. Less soil movement is the main advantage of the new point, which is followed by an equally slim seed tube. Two tungsten tiles help extend the service life of the point.
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