Horsch turnover rose to €300 million last 2016, up from €245.8 million in 2015. Seed drills remain the best-selling machines, accounting for 33% of last year’s turnover. Tillage equipment represented 31%, crop sprayers 13% and single grain machines 9%. The rest was made up by parts. In addition to the UK and Germany, the Ukraine, France and Bulgaria/Romania are key markets for the German company, which reports strong drill sales and record turnover in the Ukraine. Russia, Scandinavia, Poland, the US, Canada, Baltic States, Hungary and the Czech Republic continue to provide stable growth, and the firm believes there is good potential for growth for its subsidiaries in China and Brazil.

Horsch views this year with caution, with some countries struggling with poor climatic conditions or unfavourable producer prices while others face uncertain and disadvantageous economic or political conditions. Investment is the key for the future, says the firm, which promises us lots of innovative new developments at Agritechnica, in November.